CH Legacy Hill Chamois

Pictured as a 4-year-old/4th freshener
(2008 ADGA National Premier Nubian Sire)
SD: GCH Saada Lemon Xanado 7*M EX91
DS: *B Lakeshore TO RocksOn
DD: Blissberry CC Dawn
DOB: 2-18-2015
Show Record:
2017 2X BUOB Utah State Fair/UDGA Show
2017 2X GCH/BOB Utah State Fair/UDGA Show
2019 1X RGCH Logan Youth Show
2020 1X GCH/BOB Logan Youth Show
Linear Appraisal:
2-04 VG86 +EVE
With impeccable udders on both sides of her pedigree, we had high hopes for Chamois as we awaited her yearling mammary in April. As you can see from the photos, she did not disappoint. As her dam really matured between her 3rd and 4th season, we excitedly look forward to Chamois' development. She placed 3rd out of about 21 in the udder class at the 2016 Utah State Fair.
Chamois sports one of the best udders that we have seen here at Legacy Hill Caprines. We admire her overall shape of mammary, with great rear and fore udder attachments, showing us ideal teat placement as well. She is a capacious doe with lots of depth of body and strength of bone.
Chamois went 2X Grand Champion/BOB/BUOB as a 2-year-old 2nd freshener and we have been so anxious for her to receive her last leg. We are so ecstatic that she earned it at the Logan Youth Show in 2020. We are very proud of Chamois, our 2nd permanent champion here at Legacy Hill Caprines!
Progeny in herd:

Pictured as a yearling milker