Legacy Hill Dynamite

Sire: *B Lakeshore TO RocksOn
SS: Lakeshore UF Tanqueray OnRocks
SD: SGCH Mira's Easter Lily 6*M
Dam: Blissberry CC Dawn
DS: *B Lakeshore DL Storm Chaser
DD: GCH Blissberry Catch Me If You Can 5*M EX92
Show Record:
2015 1X GCH Logan Youth Show
2015 2X RGCH UDGA Show
Linear Appraisal:
03-02 EX90 VEVE
Dynamite started out small and out-shown by her herd mates but she easily passed them up when she freshened as a two-year-old with a beautiful mammary system. Perfect teat shape and size with great rear and fore udder attachment, we couldn't have been more pleased with our Dawn daughter.
Dynamite is such a dairy doe. We appreciate her openness of ribbing and the angularity of her rear legs. Although she was slow mature, she was definitely worth the wait! As a 3-year-old, she scored an EX90 during linear appraisals and we're so pleased!
We unexpectedly lost Dynamite as a 4-year-old and we mourn her loss. But we are very grateful for what she has left us!

Pictured as a Dry Yearling

Pictured as a 4-year-old/3rd freshener