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CH Legacy Hill Elite Lady

Elite Lady
Elite Lay

Sire:                                EX90

     SS: ++*B Kastdemur's King of the Hill

(2008 ADGA National Premier Nubian Sire)

     SD: GCH Saada Lemon Xanado 7*M EX91

Dam:                                               EX90

     DS: Saada Saadi El Shiraz

     DD: SG Saada Winsome Lady Jaydis EX92

Show Record:

2015 1X GCH 

2015 1X RGCH Utah State Fair

2014 1X BDIS UDGA Youth Show

2014 1X BOB/BUOB UDGA Youth Show

2014 2X GCH

2014 1X RGCH Utah State Fair

2013 1X BOB/BUOB Utah State Fair

2013 1X GCH UDGA Youth Show

2013 1X RGCH Utah State Fair


Linear Appraisal:

01-05 VG86 VVVV

04-05 EX90 EEEE

Elite Lady is such a special doe. The first doe to bear our herd name, our first Legacy Hill doe to achieve a linear appraisal score of EX90 and eventually become our first permanent champion. After Janus, definitely the next doe that has made the most impact on our herd. 


Aside from being one of our favorites, Elite matured so nicely over the years. She wasn't the prettiest kid but grew into a level yearling with a nice snugly attached udder. She gained a lot of body capacity as a 2-year-old and began to catch the eyes of the judges at the show ring, going 1X GCH and 1x RGCH. With time she only continued to get even better. "Straight as an arrow" was the phrase we used when we saw her in the ring, she walked with such levelness across the topline. Her udder had great capacity and a wonderful side profile. 


We are forever grateful for Lady. 



Progeny in Herd:

Legacy Hill Elite Lady

2-year-old/2nd Freshener

Legacy Hill Elite Lay

3-year-old/3rd Freshener

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West Jordan, Utah 84081

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