Blissberry TS Hanalei 7*M

Pictured as a 3-year-old/2nd freshener
SS: SG +*B Wingwood Farm TL Atlas
SD: SGCH Redwood Hills MC Talasi 8*M EX91
DS: SGCH +*B Blissberry Bada Bing Bada Boom
DD: GCH Blissberry SM Jamaica 5*M EX92
DOB: 5-5-2018
Show Record:
2019 1x Jr Reserve Champion
2021 2x Reserve Champion
2021 1x Best Udder of Breed
Linear Appraisal:
3-03 EX90 VEEE
Simply put, we absolutely love this doe. She isn't the tallest doe but she has other remarkable traits that make her stand out. Her most notable strength is her mammary system. It has received many praises from the judges in the show ring. It is outstanding and we have admired it since she freshened last year as a two-year-old. She has such high rear udder attachment and exceptional fore udder attachment as well. She has a beautiful side profile, exemplifying the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 that we like to see. Very nicely placed teats with great shape and size. She had quads this year and she peaked at almost 14 lbs on milk test. She can MILK! In addition to her mammary system, we love her depth of body and her openness of ribbing. We have one daughter in the herd and can't wait to have some more!
Progeny in Herd:

Pictured as a 2-year-old/1st freshener

Pictured as a dry yearling