Legacy Hill Something Royal

Sire: EX90
SS: ++*B Kastdemur's King of the Hill
(2008 ADGA National Premier Nubian Sire)
SD: GCH Saada Lemon Xanado 7*M EX91
Dam: Legacy Hill Scheherazade
DS: *B Lakeshore TO RocksOn
DD: Legacy Hill Duchess

Show Record:
2017- 1X RGCH
2016- 3X RGCH
2015- 2X JGCH and BJDIS
Linear Appraisal:
02-04 VG87 +VVV
We were so excited when Royal was born. Besides the fact that she's pure white and has wonderful breed charter, she was line bred on King's X, so we had high hopes for this special girl. She did not disappoint! At the Utah State Fair, she went 2X Junior Grand Champion and 2X Best Junior Doe in Show! We couldn't have been more proud of our girl!
Royal matured so nicely as a yearling. She freshened with an extremely well balanced mammary with very high rear attachments and impeccable smoothness of the fore udder. She had so much substance of bone, strength and power but still feminine and dairy. Once again, she impressed the judges at shows, going 3X RGCH. We couldn't have been more impressed with her record as a yearling milker!
With great sadness we announce that Royal suffered a fatal injury shortly after kidding quads. Our consolation is her daughter, Legacy Hill Zephyr and beautiful granddaughters, Cleopatra, Sparta, Desereé and Brescia. We will miss Royal, she truly was something special.

Pictured as a yearling milker